I was fortunate to be on the ground floor of brands taking to the internet. I was responsible for the creation and launch of some of the largest sites at the time. From brand immersion and ecommerce, to flash games and landing pages, I have worked on some great brands and learned a lot along the way. I was also there when social media took off and have helped shape those brands that embraced the change.
Technology and sites change almost monthly now with the introduction of app, mobile responsive and continued growth of UX/UI experiences. I am comfortable working from concepts, to wireframes, to low/high-fidelity prototypes and on through dev and launch.
Sites evolve over time, but I think I had some ground breaking ideas for the time. Take a journey through the evolution of the internet when websites were 800×600 and everybody loved flash & banner ads.
TCU is in process of a complete overall and redesign or some 300+ sites for each area of study and schools within the various programs at the university. This is phase 1 of a redesign of tcu.edu as the core site for all overarching areas of information from course planning to student life. I worked on the UX/UI and design for both desktop and mobile, including lo/hi-fi prototypes used for A/B testing with several product owners within the university utilizing Sketch & InVision.
711 is launching a new more robust version of their Rewards program & app for users to score points for redeemable products. With that redesign came an overhaul of the website for mobile and desktop, additionally, the rewards portion of the Canadian site had to be reworked to reflect all of the changes. The reward sections provide a real time points counter and rewards structure related to points level so that the user can identify items they want. It is also a tool to push offers to the members.
initial concepts
initial concepts
initial concepts
initial concepts
final flow
Petmate Global
The Petmate ecommerce site is designed to promote, drive purchase and educate all things pet to a wide consumer base. Utilizing a learning quiz, first time users respond to the questions and as they drill down. The information gathered from the site will then generate dynamic content around the products tailored to the customers needs for a specific pet. It is also an opportunity to add to the humanization of our pets by combing their individual personalities with factual insights into training and growth.
- ecommerce
- dynamic content via consumer insight quiz
initial concepts
Petmate – Calmz
The Calmz website is an informational portal for a new product launch that aids in the treatment for anxiety in dogs. A large percentage of animals suffer from some form of anxiety and this new device uses acoustic therapy and vibrations to ease the stress and negative behaviors that develop. The first site was the initial launch site. It evolved into more expandable format with a simple back office for easy updates
Harskjold App
I wanted to prototype a concept for an app for my personal brand. Its a quick, easy way to share my work and a more interactive version of my online portfolio.
Project Details
The Andes Coil Processors website is a brand and contact portal for the largest steel processor in the country. The main goal was to create a high-end branded site to showcase their capabilities. A video splash page paired with colorized photos creates a unique look for an unglamorous manufacturing process.
Southside Salsa
I was also fortunate to create and launch Southside Salsa CO. People always told my mom to sell her salsa, so we did. We created a line of fresh, craft salsa that quickly took off. Being an early adopter of craft beer I also created the first of its kind, a line of craft-beer salsa made with craft beer from a local brewery. We were in most retailers, including Central Market, Specs & Total Wine. I designed the packaging, logos, built the brand and had the best client, me. We are on track to release our next co-branded #craft beer salsa in 2017.
The Bacon Wagon
During a hiatus from the creative world I explored my inner chef and created one of the most popular food trucks in DFW. The site is a fun portal for all things related to the brand. We also had a tremendous social presence with over 2000+ followers and several best-of write ups, there are still requests to this day for our awesomeness, but the best I can offer the world is a T-shirt.
Bass Kustoms
Bass Kustom is another custom car builder in Dallas that specializes in metal fab and one off hot rods with attention to detail and hand formed metal components.
US Air Force
The United States Air Force was a great client to work on since technology and aircraft were the driving factors for the site. Utilizing a “behind the scenes” approach that consisted of POV videos of various experiences i.e. HALO jumps, fighter plane maneuvers that really put you into the action. This is long before GoPro was invented so at the time POV wasn’t as mainstream as it is today.
I also created a “Life Editor” that would help potential applicants navigate choices and likes to narrow the fields of interest down for them. Site also link to several microsites devoted to games and serial based cartoons.
POV immersive experiences like High Altitude Low Opening skydives with Combat Controllers or fighter jet cockpit flight from a pilots prospective
Life editor tool designed to narrow scope of opportunities in the Airforce and help steer applicants
Online serial cartoons
Pepsi.com was one of the first global brand sites that I worked on. It was also new territory for Pepsi and the traditional agency of record. We had to invent the space and what to do on it. This led to the developed of games, videos and interactive tools for cross promo, as well as, a bottle cap reward system for points collected. It also relied heavily on celebrity tie-ins and interactions.
Pepsi Points reward programs for exclusive downloads
Interactive games building community and experience around pop culture
Access to celebrity icons for consumers to connect
Subaru.com was another large site I was on the ground floor. Core idea is “Whats Right for You” concept.
Each user would fill in pertinent info with regards to their likes, lifestyle etc. Upon their return, the experience would change using dynamically customize content based on the info we gathered and the site would be more geared to their lifestyle with hero images, promos and events that are targeted too them i.e. outdoor minded people would get Outback visuals and promos around excursions and outdoor lifestyle.
Learning site
Dynamically customized content
Each user experience is different based on their individual likes and interests
Mountain Dew – Code Red
Another exciting product launch was for Mountain Dew / CodeRed. This was a very fun assignment and brand to help build. The initial idea was the creation of Gnewman the Gnome who “lived” life to the fullest by skydiving, skating and surfing around the world. Based on the eery tales of the internet when people would swipe garden gnomes and email pics of their travels. (Long before the roaming gnome of travelocity)
The videos were also downloadable with enough Points and were meant to be shared, precursors to viral videos when that was a new idea. Site also included several games.
Gnewman The Gnome that traveled the world involved in extreme sports (Travelocity hadn’t developed the roaming gnome until 2 years later)
Videos meant to be shared or more commonly know as viral videos
Online Games
Another project for Pepsi.com allowed consumers to create their own can designs. It was also a cross promo with various street artists and designers allowing for a unique portfolio presentation long before wordpress carousels.
Ability to customize soda cans and download original artwork but well-know street artists
Carousel based navigation and side scrolling
I was fortunate to work for one of the pioneering interactive agencies in Dallas. The Dallas Society of Visual Communications (DSVC), founded in 1957 as a member driven club for local artists, tasked us with taking the ROUGH magazine and creating the first online, interactive version.
With a great team of creative leaders and designers, we developed a unique, no rules, highly advanced website. It included several interactive elements that were, at the time, unheard of in the world of the web, including photo face-offs, dropdown animated menus, parallax view scrolling, embedded background video and dynamically generated content.
It turned out so well, it won us a Cannes Cyber Lions Award.
Dropdown animated menu
Dynamically customized content
Parallax scrolling
Embedded video